In this class, we learned about the next two five pillars of Islam: Salat and Sawm. We learned that before Salat, wudhu must be done. This is a ritual washing performed by Muslims before prayer, always in Arabaic. They must always be cleaned when praying to Allah.
1. Hands (right then left, 3 times)
2. Mouth (3 times)
3. Nose (3 times)
4. Face (essential- at least once but usually 3 times)
5. Arms (right then left, 3 times- essential)
6. Hair (once- compulsory act)
7. Ears (wiped inside and behind)
8. Feet (right then left- compulsory act- 3 times)
These must be performed after falling asleep, going to the bathroom, passing wind, bleeding heavily, vomiting, etc. You notice that three appears a number of times. This is because three is a symbol for the ultimate of something.
Video on how to make Wuduh:
Three ratkahs are done at all five times of prayer:
1. Takbir
2. Qiyaam
3. Ruku
4. Brief Qiyaam
5. Sujud
6. Brief Sitting
7. Sujud
8. Tashannud
9. Peace to right
10. Peace to left
The next pillar is called Sawm. This is fasting primarily during the month of Ramadan. Muslims abstain from drinking, eating, gambling, and all sensuous pleasures from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan, one of the most important times of a Muslims year.
The class came up with words that describe why Muslims do this. What do they benefit from fasting and not even being able to brush their teeth? These things seem so essential to us that we take them for granted. A Muslim fasts during Ramadan in remembrance, for sacrifice, (re)dedication, clarity and purification. A Muslim benefits a lot from Sawm because he/she remembers all that Allah has given them and is thankful for all that they have. They constantly remember and to forget (shirk) is the biggest sin, so Sawm is helpful. Also, they sacrifce a lot for their religion, but this is all for Allah. Sawm requires dedication and clarity because one needs to be focused and completley reverent during Ramadan. The Muslim is also purified through Sawm.
The song, "How Great Thou Art" connects to this class because it talks about how great God is and says, "Then I shall bow, in humble adoration and there proclaim, my God how great Thou art!" which relates to how Muslims respond to Allah and the way we bow is like the way they salat, only they do it many times a day.
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