Thursday, September 1, 2011

CLASS 3 - August 31, 2011

This class was mainly about discussing "passing over and coming back" and relating that to Gandhi. Passing over and coming back is a term used to describe someone who leaves their religion, discovers and respects others, but always come back to their own religion. Why is it important to us? Although most of us haven't experienced this, it may happen in your life. It opens us up to a whole new world that we haven't been shown. It gives us a chance to expand our knowledge of other's religions and perhaps practice them.

Gandhi was the number one example that we discussed in class. He gave up everything he had, left his religion (Hinduism), left his wife and children, and discovered a whole new world of religions. But in the end, he of course "came back" to Hinduism.

A poem about Gandhi:

This is also a link to a song called The Scientist by Coldplay. Although the song is about losing a loved one, the refrain says, "I'm going back to the start," and can relate so much to returning to our religion.

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