Saturday, September 10, 2011

Class 5-September 10th, 2011

Vocabulary: Chapter 10 Islam
Sunna- This is the custom or tradition of Muhammad, which supplements the Qur'an as a source for the Shari'a.
Sunni- These are the traditional, majority or Muslims who accept Mu'awiyah as the next leader after 'Uthman.
Tawhid- The Muslim doctrine of the unity of God because the faith denies any partners of God. Unlike the Chritian Doctrine of the Holy Trinity.
Timothy Drew- Was a contributor to the Black Muslim movement in the U.S., and he taught that blacks are Asiatics or Muslims.
'Ulama'- are Muslim clerical scholars
Ummah- an Arabic word for community or nation, it is the Muslim community throughout the whole world.
Wahhab- In Islam, Muslims call God 'Alah,' however that is not his only name. Wahhab is one of the ninety nine names they use, this name means The Servant of the Bestower.
Zakat- In the Islamic culture, the payment of a due to support the community, which is an act of purification through giving.

Chapter 10: First 10 pages
The first portion of this chapter is an introduction to Islam. it discusses the earliest foundation of it and it's birth by the prophet Muhammad. We learn about his early life, and how he began to fall into the new religion which he is responsible for. His goals are relayed to us by his administrative, military, and spiritual leadership.

Although Islam is one of the world's youngest religions it has surprised us all with its rapid growth in followers. As of 2007 Islam was already the world's largest religion ahead of Catholicism, however Christianity as a whole is still larger than Islam.
The two colors of green represent Islam.

One aspect of Islam I found surprising was its policy to "lead, defend, and avenge the members of [his] tribe" (331). They live by honor and retaliation. However, this is something most people misinterpret, especially Muhammad's creation of an Arabian military. So, we should not think that Muslims are violent people, but believe strongly in dignity and respect.

This video shows just how important Muhammad is, not only to Islam, but to the whole world.
He is honored as one of the most influential persons in history.

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