Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Class 6 - September 20

Ms. Egan's B2 Class experienced its fine foray into the study of Islam. Events of this class include:
  • An in house produced documentary by CPD on Islam and how to approach its subscribers. Clearly, customs such as avoidance of direct eyesight, the removal of shoes, and the daily five periods of prayer were addressed as well as the wide diversity of the Muslim community.
  • A powerpoint presentation on the subject of Islam and its background, including of course, its founder Muhammad, its sacred text the Qur'an, as well as other factoids. For instance, the fact that the majority of Muslims inhabit the African and Asian continents and that in global total they are approximately 1.3 billion in number.
  • Another video documentary of Islam and its background, links here:
Islam, like all other religions, deserves respect and compassion from all. Just as was addressed in the CPD documentary, Islam and its followers are really quite ordinary people. We must all keep an open-mindedness and dismiss all notions of "weirdness" or "foreignness". A small, radical fraction of a people is not at all enough to stereotype. Again, Islam is a young system; it was not more than 500 years ago that the warriors of Christendom were acting out the Inquisition and Crusades.

Terms to remember include:
Islam - The religion and desirable "straight path" of the Islamic faith. Meaning "submission".
Muslim - A follower of Islam, translating to "submitter".
Muhammad - Revered founder of Islam. Born of the Quraysh tribe in Arabia. Had Gabriel appear before him to lead what would be a cultural and religious revolution.

Connections: Here is a spin on the Kanye West song "Jesus Walks", in which fellow hip hop artist Lupe Fiasco gives his take from a Muslim perspective.
Homework: Article Who is Allah?
Review notes and terms

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