Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Febuary 27th, 2012

Today in class we had our 3rd vocabulary quiz and the 3 words were Kosher, Mitzvoth, and Covenant. All 3 are concerned with living out the Jewish faith and doing things in the name of God. Mitzvoth and being Kosher are ways that Jews today honor the covenant with God. They both involve giving something up for God. This is the orthopraxis part of Judaism which reflect the customs and traditions of this faith.

During the second part of the class we watched The Fiddler on the Roof

This is an example of a Kosher Gift basket, related to one of our quiz words

This video is a selection from Fiddler on the Roof when the papa sings tradition, which is really what the whole movie is based on. It talks about the importance of tradition yet the world is changing so much that 'tradition' is not always honored.

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