Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 10th, 2012

This class was continuing to introduce us to Judaism.  We began class with a prayer lead by Mrs. Egan.  A "Hail, Mary", to be exact.

Afterwards, we went straight into the first Vocabulary Quiz for Judaism.  The word were:
Talmud - The collection of rabbinic teachings. It had deep influence over the lives of Jews from the beginnign of the medieval period. The Mishnah and the Gemara were incorporatedin the Talmud.
Aggadah - The nonlegal, story aspect of rabbinic literature. It is distinguished from Halakhah, the legal side of Judaism.
Torah - Teachings that copmrise the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

What's that, you say?  You wish there was a more convenient way to study these vocabulary words with such free services as Quizlet?  Well, courtesy of the wonderful Jillian Wessel, here is a Quizlet for all the Judaism Vocabulary Words.

Following the Quiz, Ms. Egan proceeded to lead us to the gallery to eat miniature donuts.  Why?  Because Mrs. Egan is awesome.

We then returned to room 109 For what is possibly the most impressive overview of Jewish History I have ever seen in twenty minutes.  But, then again, I don't think I have seen very many twenty minute Jewish History presentations, if any.  Still, it went over everything from the earliest prophets to World War II and the Holocaust.
A theme of this class is that Jews have been pushed around quite a bit.  The holy land has been conquered several times.  One example is in Judah, when Babylonians exiled the Jews in 597 BCE.  This picture shows Jewish people in exile under a Babylonian.

Vocabulary?  Well, instead of doing a section of the vocabulary, here is a Quizlet of all the Judaism vocabulary in place of one link.

Here is a timeline of the Holy Land and the various groups that have fought over, seized, or taken ownership of it.

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