Monday, May 7, 2012

May 4, 2012

May 4 was truly a distinct class.

In its beginning, the class was visited by a team of Seniors come to teach us about their Service Learning Project. To give us but a taste, they showed us a video of their project: baking and delivering pies to military veterans.

The second and final segment of the class bore witness to an event worthy of the mightiest toasting. Classmates gazed upon with thine eyes the spectacle that was the presentation project produced by none other than Eric Rupprecht, Tyler Maroulis, and of course, Juan Carlos Urcia. In this project, no, carnival of awesomeness, the three aforementioned students displayed their prowess and knowing of the religion colloquially referred to as that which is, of course, the Greek Orthodox Church (of Christianity). These studs were the first group to go.

                        This is a Greek Orthodox Chant, characteristic of the Greek Orthodox Church.

                        Tradition and culture is a main core of the Greek Orthodox, and thus, here is a video of a                                      Greek Food Festival.

Homework: Update thine site of Circumlectio; Construct ye Religion IA Paper!

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