Monday, November 28, 2011

Class of November 16th

Today in class our first paper about The Sacred in Taoism was due, we reviewed the Te of Piglet Template of Analyzing the Logic of an Article questions and watched a scene from the Karate Kid and recorded examples of Taoism and Confucianism, some examples are listed below:
1. Focus and concentrate on moment
2. Outside and surrounded by nature
3. Qi-internal energy- the essence of life
4. Yellow clothing, meditation, and taoist priests praying.
5. Chan displays wuwei as he climbs the mountain without difficulty, but Jayden is suffering and complaining instead.
6. Tai Chi
7. Ying and Yang Water Bath
1. "Did I say come in?"
2. Jacket on and off
3. Kung Fu is in everything
4. "Be Quiet"
5. Discipline and Obedience

In the Te of Piglet the author leaves it up to the reader to decide if what he is saying is truth or not. He presents a view point and we are to determine if we agree or not. He encourages us to think about if our priorities are reflected in our actions.

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