Monday, April 30, 2012

Tuesday, April 17th

Today we started talking about Christianity. We discussed the three main questions about faith: What is the Sacred? Where are we going? What should we do? We brainstormed and wrote on our piece of paper everything we knew, and then wrote them on the whiteboard. After reading, we discussed the main ideas of Christianity and what we had written. Then we were given two handouts: one about Thomas Aquinas Five Proofs and Pascal's Wager.
Each cirumlectio group was assigned a proof to read over and explain to the rest of the class. Our's was the last: the Intelligent Designer. This said that many things lack intelligence and therefore must have been directed by something intelligent so the world must have had an intelligent designer which is God.
1. First Mover: there must have been a first mover to have caused other things to move- God
2. First Cause: there must have been a first cause because other things are caused- God
3. Necessary Being: not everthing is contingent, so there is a necessary being- God
4. Greatest Being: some things are greater than others, so there must be a greater degree of greatness- God
5. Intelligent Designer: look above

Pascal's Wager, from Pensees, talks about his rationale for why everyone should believe in God and why they will have a certainty of gain.

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