Sunday, December 4, 2011

Yin and Yang Question

How do the balancing Yin and Yang play a role in the Dao and Daosim?

The Yin, in China is the female side of the Dao. It is exemplified in dark, cool, and moist conditions. Its opposite is Yang, the male side of the Dao. Yang, in China, is the male side of the Dao. It is exemplified in bright, warm, and dry conditions. Its opposite is the Yin, the female side of the Dao. The Yin and Yang play a role in the Dao because the Dao is the path, course or way of the universe. The Yin and Yang are seen all throughout the universe. Although the Dao's influence is in nature, the eternal Dao is believed to be hidden from empirical experience. Everything is Yin and Yang. It shows how two things can be one even if they are opposites.

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