Shi'ites: the old devision of Mulim people culminated with the choice of the fourth Caliph-Ali because Caliph. But he was assassinated in 661. Some people think he is a martyr for this. Many Muslims reenact his death. The Shi'ites were Sunni followers of Mu'awiyou. They believed you can combine all rakas into 3 times a day instead of 5. Also, they thought you should put your forehead on a clay tablet when praying on the ground. They also believe that 'Ali is the "messiah" of Islam- he would be the one to save them. They also believed the 12th Imam was hidden by Allah and will return at the end of time. They give preference to the Sunnas and Hadiths that are directly related to the prophet and his family.
-This picture is an example of a Shi'ite praying with the clay tablet on his forehead.
Sufis: They were called the "dancing dervishes" because they are known for spinning around many times for prayer- they come out of their body. They experience union of soul with God. They look to their own experience and not to the well being of the greater Muslim Community. Concentration of Meditation and Mystical Experience helps them be one with god. They focus on the individual rather the Muslim community- which is why they are largely misunderstood.
^This is a video of Sufi Dancing.
Shari'a: These are the duties that God has placed on Muslim community. It is translated as "law." If you break it they use "an eye for an eye" punishment. You could have your hand chopped off if you steal something with that hand. In Schools they used Hanifite (liberal, personal opinion important to Ra'y), Malikite (holds consensus of Medina Community), Shafi'ite (rejects an opinion holds Hadith above Quran), and Hanbalite (rejects all opinion, Quran is above Hadith; most conservative. Ijma is also consensus of Muslim religious leaders on the matter of practice. Qiyan are Islam analogies used in applying the Quran and the Sunna to other practical situations. Ra'y in Muslim law is the considered opinion of Muslim leaders acting for the public good.
Sunni: They believe that when Uthman was murdered, the next Caliph needed to be chosen. People of Medina wanted 'Ali to be chosen as the next Caliph. Mu'awiyah, the governor of Syna, nominated himself. Sunni traditionalists accept Mu'awiyah as the next Caliph. They are also the largest group of Muslims.
-This is a map showing the Muslim distribution: Sunni vs. Shia. As you can see there is a much larger Sunni population than Shia.
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